Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, so much for updating this blog on a regular basis.

Being that it's Halloween today and I have absolutely no plans to do anything, I'm feeling a little sad. Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays as a kid - and not just because of all the candy. There's just something festive about seeing fun halloween decorations, carving pumpkins, and dressing up that can make anybody nostalgic for their childhood. A few years back, we got into the spirt, and actually went to a pumpkin patch, took pictures, carved pumpkins, and dressed up for my best friend's Halloween Party. Last year, we also went to a costume party, but nobody we know was having one this year - unless they just didn't invite us!

Also, there's something to be said about living in Florida this time of the year. It's hit or miss, but honestly, it's just not the same when it's 87 degrees outside. When I was a kid, I remember it getting COLD on Halloween (COLD to a South Floridian is anytime the temperature dips below 75 degrees and the humidity drops under 80%). I can remember protesting to not wear jackets over our costumes. So thanks a lot, Global Warming. Also - did anybody else notice this...... we didn't set our clocks back yet? Yes - it IS getting darker earlier now - I do realize that, but Halloween is one of those nights where you can't wait for the sun to go down so you can hit the pavement - and for some reason, daylight savings time is delayed this year.

Anyways - because I'm feeling a little melancholy about not doing anything this year, I will leave you with a couple of photos from Halloweens past.

This on was taken in 2007. Honestly, it's so hard to find fun & unique "couples costumes." When you go to a party, there's ALWAYS a doctor/nurse, pirate/wench, or hippies there already. I tried to think outside the box this time and finally settled on Daphne/Shaggy from Scooby Doo (who I am holding in my hands, but somehow lost in my neon orange wig). My boyfriend basically rejected all my other fun ideas - Raggedy Ann & Andy, Strawberry Shortcake and the Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak, and Hugh Heffner & Holly - so this is what we were left with. Sidenote - NEVER wear a wig - it's incredibly hot and itchy and it's hard to get it on good. I did a pretty good job on mine, and I'll give you my tips: have someone french braid your hair, tuck the tail under and then use one of those wig caps. Worked like a charm!
Here's a group shot of some of the ladies at this same party:
I mentioned that we carved pumpkins a few years back - this was that year:

Fast forward to 2009 (I have absolutely no recollection of what happened in 2008).  This year, I remembered the pain trying to find unique couples costumes from 2007 and just decided to give up the fight and pick up whatever was available that fit.  We went as a pirate (him) and a ladybug (me).  I also dressed up our puppy as a bumble bee - she was obviously THRILLED:

Unfortunately, we didn't get a big group shot this year, but here's a picture of Strawberry Shortcake, a NavaHOE Indian (the host), and me (the ladybug):
Unfortunately for my dog, I did get her a costume this year - she's going to be a little butterfly - because the bat wings I originally purchased for her were too large and had to be returned.  This was just a couple of dress rehersal pictures I snapped when she was trying to hide:

 Happy Halloween, Everyone!