Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Something smells good!

Ever have one of those days where you just can't get enough of your own scent? Whether you've just switched shampoos, used a new hairspray, recently washed your shirt with a different detergent and/or used a ton of fabric softener, doused yourself in perfume/cologne you don't usually wear, applied a fragrant body lotion, or washed your hands 17 times in a 2 hour period with your new Frosted Orange Spice anti-bacterial deep cleansing hand soap from Bath & Body Works because you can't get enough of the smell... and you just keep getting yummy whiffs of something that smells oh-so-good and can't figure out where it's coming from, and then you realize it's coming from YOU and you can't stop smelling yourself? Ever have one of those days? No? Me neither.....

P.S. You can pick up 4 anti-bacterial deep cleansing hand soaps at Bath & Body Works for $10 right now, and I highly recommend the Frosted Orange Spice scent.... I'm just sayin!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Never Afraid To Say...

I'm never really afraid to say anything. It's been known to get me into trouble more than a few times, but I am a passionate person and can't help that I feel my opinions always need to be heard. I also always think I'm right, and my mouth runs faster than my brain can keep up with sometimes. I have no problem listening to someone else's opinions or ideas..... I probably won't agree with them..... but I'll listen (and probably start talking over them at some point about why they're wrong and I'm right).....

Other than all of THAT, I'm a regular 20-something year old who lives with my boyfriend and our new puppy. I work a full time 9 - 5 job and feel as though my professional life is lacking in many aspects (but who doesn't nowadays?) and sometimes I feel the need to vent about whatever tickles my fancy at the moment - hence the blog.

So, with all of that said.... if you don't agree with me - too bad - because I'm right and you're wrong.... and that's just the way it's going to be from here on out!