Sunday, August 7, 2011

Survey says.....

So I remember years ago when we (and by we I mean me and all my loser friends) used to e-mail around these kinds of things all the time - and we'd actually sit there and complete them and then read everyone else's answers - even though they were always the same questions and our answers never changed. 

So what the hell...... let's do this thing!

1. How long has it been since you've ridden a schoolbus?
-My parents actually had the foresight to buy a house close enough to an elementary, middle, and high school so I didn't actually have to ride in that death trap - I mean schoolbus.  I did; however, ride the bus home with my high school boyfriend from time to time, so the last time I road one was probably back in 1996 or so.

2. What do you think of frogs?
-NOT a fan..... but I don't hate them as much as I hate toads.

3. What's the worst Christmas present you've ever gotten?
-hmmm...... I'm not really sure - I usually like all my presents.  Someone gave me a Simon & Garfunkel CD - that was pretty random (since I'm not particularly a fan).

4. Suppose you *had* to get some sort of tattoo, right now. What would you get?
-Something small and inconspicuous on a part of my body where nobody would see it unless I wanted them to.  Not a fan of tattoos!

5. Which would you rather die from, burning to death or "bird flu"?
-Um, hi.... how about neither.

6. If weed was legal, would you smoke it?
-Do people still call it weed?  I don't smoke anything, so no.

7. How about if heroin was legal?
-Definitely.  Not.

8. Do you use any kind of lip gloss/lip balm?
-I have really dry lips and I cannot sleep unless I use that Rosebud Salve.  Amazing stuff.

9. Do you like pumpkin pie?
-In small doses.  Not my favorite, but I don't hate it.

10. Who do you want to be President (it doesn't have to be an actual candidate)?
-Ellen Degeneres.  She seems to know how to handle fame and money.  And she's a compassionate person.  Plus, I would LOVE for a gay female to be president and piss off all the Tea Baggers.

11. If you were alive in the 1960s, would you have been a hippie?
-Ahh no.  Hippies are too dirty.  I like to be clean.

12. Do you like dinosaurs? Which is your favorite?
-Sure why not?  I don't know about a favorite..... how about a brontosaurus.  Apparently there's no longer such a thing as a "brontosaurus."  Things sure have changed since I was in school.  Next thing I know, Pluto won't even be considered a planet anymore!

13. What genre of music makes you want to shoot your ears off?
-Twangy country, death metal, and hard core gangster rap.

14: What was the last board game you played?
-I've played a bit of cards lately but can't recall playing an actual board game.  We played drunk jenga on New Years.... does that count?

15. Would you let your grandma set you up on a blind date?
-I'll pass on that.
 16. Speaking of which, ever been hit on by a much, much older person?
-Yes - it's creepy.
 17. You can't find the remote. Where is the first place you look?
-The couch cushions.
 18. Where would you rather live, in a barn or in an inner-city church basement?
-A barn, hands down.
 19. How do you feel about Hello Kitty?

20. Paper or plastic?
-For what?

21: Compost heaps: yes or no?
-I don't DO fire.

22: What kind of socks are you wearing right now?
-I'm barefoot baby.

23. Are you part of a "subculture"?

24. Do you type with all your fingers, or just 2?
-All.... I'm an excellent typer.

25. Do you believe in astrology?
-Nope, but I'll read my horscope if presented to me.

26. Are you good at math?
-Yes - I'm a math nerd!

27. Are you politically correct?
-Definitely not.

28. Do you know what a semicolon is?
-Yes, and I use them frequently.  Whether I use them correctly is up for debate though.

29. Have you ever worn a Hawaiian shirt?
-Once when I was in high school and we had a Hawaiian themed shirt day at work.

30. Have you ever dated someone you didn't really like? Why?
-Once.... but I wouldn't say i didn't LIKE him - I just knew I never wanted to "go out" with him - he was just keeping my mind off of a lot of other stuff I had going on in my life at that time.  Oh and he was like 3 years younger than me..... which I found out AFTER I went out with him the first time.  Whoopsie.  Sweet kid, sitll my friend on Facebook, but it just wasn't for me.  We "dated" for about a month or so.
 31. Do you resent members of the opposite sex?

32. Atlantic or Pacific?
-I've only ever seen the Atlantic (thanks to JetBlue).
 33. What animal do you most resemble?
-A human.
 34. How often do you eat macaroni and cheese?
-A lot.  If I get lunch at Whole Foods, which I do every week or 2, I treat myself to a scoop of their mac & cheese.  Yummmmmmmm.
 35. Are you into philosophy? If so, what are your philosophical influences?
-I had to take a philosophy class in college, and believe it or not, it was the only time I ever got a C in my life.  So I hate philosophy - so boring!

36. What was the best concert you've ever been to?
-I saw Elton John in Vegas..... I was in like the 6th row, dead center, and it was amazing!
 37. If someone gave you $100,000 to shave your head, would you?
 36. Have you ever met a hermaphrodite?
-Not that i'm aware of.
 38. Would you ever participate in anal sex? If so, would you give or receive?

39. Do you sweat a lot?
-Yes, yes I do.  That's all I do from June - September. 

40. What, if any, hair products do you use?
-I have a bunch, but. I don't use any anymore.  I realized they don't really do anything and who has time for all that crap!
 41. Do you enjoy thrill rides (roller coasters, etc.)?
 42. Have you ever seen a 3-D movie?
-I saw Tron Legacy in 3D.

43. What should someone do if they deliberately want to make a bad impression on you?
-Be a picky eater.
 44. Have you ever drank a whole bottle of liquor by yourself?
-If I did, I don't remember.

45. Does anyone know you're filling out this survey right now?
-No, it's my secret.

46. Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so, what kind?
 47. What word processing program is on your computer?
-Micosoft Word 07 - old school baby.
 48. Have you ever read "The Odyssey"? What did you think of it?
-I remember having to read passages from The Illiad & The Odyssey in high school, but I don't remember either.

49. What's the worst insult anyone's ever given you?
-I don't know - they probably didn't say it to my face!
 50. The best compliment?
-That I'm awesome.
 51. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
-Closed - so Bailey can't escape and have her way with anything while we sleep.
 52. What is your favorite item from your favorite fast-food restaurant?
-Cookies from Subway - mmmmm!
 53. Do small children like you?
-Generally, yes.
 54. Do animals like you?
 55. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
-Too cold.  Don't ask that question to someone experiencing a brutal South Florida Summer.
 56. What's your favorite beer?
-Abita Purple Haze of Coors Light.

57. Have you ever lived in a college dorm? If not, do you think you could handle it?
-No and no.

58. Have you ever met a psychotic person (officially diagnosed)?
-Yes I have.
 59. Which show sucks less: "The Hills" or "Wheel Of Fortune"?
-Wheel of Fortune.  Is The Hills even still on?
 60. Do you like spicy food?
-A little spicy is ok.

61. Do you read poetry? If so, who is your favorite poet?
-No, I don't.  I'll say my favorite is Shel Silverstein.
 62. What else could you be doing, other than filling out this survey?
-A million things. I didn't realize it was so long.
 63. What is your earliest memory?
-I remember seeing whales at the beach.  Not vividly, but I definitely have that memory.  Everyone thought I was crazy until my mom remembered that one time when we were at the beach, a whale had beached itself..... she said I was 2 years old when that happened.
64. What is something you consider "classy"?
-The cast of Jersey Shore.

65. What video/computer games do you like?
 66. Do you know your IQ, and if so, what is it?
-Not sure, I'm sure it's pretty high.
 67. Do you drink TAB?

68. Do you talk about your friends behind their backs?-Who doesn't?
69. Do you use abbreviations such as LOL or OMG outside of IMs?
-On occasion.
 70. What is your favorite vegetable?
-Raw cucumbers, celery, and chick peas.  I'm not a fan of cooked vegetables.  Except for green beans - I like those cooked.
 71. Sweet or sour?

72. What's the longest airplane ride you've ever been on?
-Whichever is longer - Miami to Zurich, Switzerland or Miami to Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Both were pretty long and brutal.

73. Do you regularly take any medication?
-No. And I don't even take medicine when I should sometimes.
 74. What's the closest you've ever come to dying?
-I slipped through a tube on a lazy river ride that was jam packed and I couldn't get my head back above water.  I was like 10.
 75. What are you really proud of that not many people know about?
-That I actually have a lot of money saved.  More than anyone would think.
 76. Are you really into high school or college sports?
-I watch college football and college basketball during March Maddness.
 77. Do you regularly spend money on things you don't need?
-Yes.  Guilty.  Which is why #75 is hard to believe.

78. Have you ever practiced archery?
-No, but I think I'd be good at it.
 79. Do you eat the cherry on top of your ice cream sundae?
-Not if it's a maraschino cherry - I hate those.
 80. What does the color yellow make you think of?
 81. What is your local newspaper called?
 82. What city do you wish was your hometown?
-Positano, Italy.

83. You've just farted loudly in public. What do you do?
-Smile and own it.
 84. Have you ever had a lucid dream?
 85. How about sleep paralysis?
-No - scary.
 86. How often do you dream about zombies?
 87. What kind of accent do you have (EVERYONE has one)?
-The one people from South Florida have.  I don't think we have one.
 88. Do you think mushrooms are cool-looking?
-Sure.  And yummy.

98. Are you dyslexic?
 90. Do you think it's interesting to study religions other than the one you practice?
-I'm not really into religion.
 91. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
-No.  But I've been through multiple hurricanes.
 92. Suppose you're the greatest painter who ever lived, but you can only paint one last picture before you die. What is your painting of?

93. What is the sexiest color of finger/toenail polish?
-Wicked by Essie.
 94. What is the worst job you could possibly imagine having?
-Prison warden.
 95. Do you think pigs are cute?
 96. Do you pay your own bills?
-No.... my dog pays them.  Yes, of course.
 97. How many methods of contraception are you aware of?
-Lots and lots - random question.

98. Do you own ripped jeans that weren't ripped on purpose?
-Yeah - and then I threw them away.

99. Can you give a good back massage?
-Yes, but I'd pefer to receive one.
 100. What do you do before you go to sleep?
-Wash my face, put on my Rosebud Salve, and close my eyes.

WOW - that was loooooooooooooooooong.  These definitely aren't as fun as they were when I was younger. 

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