Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 1 {of 30}

So I found this list on some random blog (of which I may or may not have been stalking).  :)  Anyways - since I am always at a loss for things to write about, I decided to play along.  Let me just reiterate something..... while I may always be at a loss for things to write about on this blog, I am NEVER at a loss of things to say - my mouth seriously has no filter.  Anyway - as I was saying...... here is the list.  Today is Day 1.

Here are the 30 Days Topics:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song

Ok - SO - a recent picture......
I'm the one on the right!  This picture was actually taken last night.  I love my puppy!

Ok - now on to 10 interesting facts about me.....
1.  I'm in LOVE with my puppy - as I said earlier.  But "in LOVE" isn't even a strong enough phrase.  I am completely, madly, infatuated with my dog - to the point where it's not healthy.  I'm obsessed with her.  I recently wondered if there would be enough love to share if I had an actual child of my own. 
2.  I'm terrified of lightbulbs.  I can't touch them.... I can't watch somebody else touch them.  They freak me out!
3.  I'm obsessed with The Amazing Race - never miss an episode.
4.  My dad's family is from Italy - they all still live there.  My mom's family is from Prague.  If I could move to Italy, I'd do it in a hot second!
5.  My mom met my dad on a cruise ship and I've always imagined myself marrying someone from another country too.  Oddly enough, my boyfriend is from Argentina so I guess that worked out for me!
6.  I won a free trip to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos last year.  I woke up that morning just knowing I was going to win (it was a contest on a local radio station).  And BOOM - I won!   
7.  I take a TON of pictures.... everywhere I go!
8.  I eat lemons like they're oranges - love them!
9.  I think pasta was put on this planet just for me to indulge in - at every opportunity I get!
10.  I don't have a smart phone - I still have a motorola flip phone.  It's purple.
Well, that's all I've got for today!

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